Photographic Oil Paintings
At Houston Stanley PhotoGraphics, our Photographic Oil Paintings are unique to any advertising project in Colorado Springs. After we complete taking the photography images of your company, you select a favorite image of your building or inside your plant facilities and we take it into the realm of art.
Many companies enjoy a fine art piece on their walls and in their conference room which embraces the idea of seeing their company and themselves from an artistic, cultural and aesthetically pleasing perspective. Also, you can use it for the cover of your brochure, annual report or website.
These are actual paintings and not digitally enhanced pieces. Digital computer painting has it’s purpose but cannot begin to compare to a work of art created through an artist’s vision by hand. These are unique pieces of art where the image is actually printed on stretcher canvas before our resident artist begins painting with archival oil paints. The painting may involve both brush and pallet knife effects depending on her inspiration as well as the preferred artistic statement. She paints with visible texture in an impressionistic style.
Early in her career she attended art schools in Garrigue, France and San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. She taught painting classes in an Art Gallery and then ultimately she received her Bachelor of Fine Arts. She has been commissioned by high profile personalities and celebrities alike. Visit People under the Photography heading to see an example of the series of five Photographic Paintings of a major league baseball pitcher.
You may not be in France or Italy but here in Colorado Springs you have the advantage of having an artist at Houston Stanley PhotoGraphics who can transform your favorite company image into a Photo Oil Painting. This will also serve to transcend those traditional business boundaries, elevating your company to another level of sophistication.