Photo Oil Portrait Paintings

Houston Stanley PhotoGraphics in Colorado Springs, offers a timeless approach to personal artwork by means of Photo Oil Portrait Paintings.  These are unique pieces of art where the image is actually printed on stretcher canvas before our resident artist begins painting.  Digital computer painting has it’s purpose but cannot begin to compare to a work of art created through an artist’s vision by hand.

The painting may involve both brush and pallet knife effects depending on her inspiration as well as the preferred artistic statement.  Her PhotoGraphic Oil Paintings have visible texture in an impressionistic style, her favorite, however; a consultation is necessary to assure your desired intent is accomplished.

Early in her career she attended art schools in Garrigue, France and San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.  She taught painting classes at an art gallery while in the process of receiving her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree.  She has been commissioned by high profile personalities and celebrities alike.

Houston Stanley Photographics in Colorado Springs includes these Photo Oil Portrait Paintings to give our clients the opportunity to have an original hand painted oil painting of their favorite image.  Not only texture, contrast and dimension is added but the ability to go beyond the norm to create a timeless family heirloom.

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